Wake Up Call

The world’s on fire, but don't you fret,  
Just scroll through memes and the internet.  
The planet warms, the icebergs break—  
But really, are you awake?

Politicians promise dreams and gold,  
While selling lies they're often told.  
We clap and cheer, for goodness' sake
But ask yourself, are you awake?

The news is biased, left or right,  
We choose a side, then start a fight.  
Opinions scream, but facts forsake
In all this noise, are you awake?

We chase success, we chase the fame,  
But in the end, it's all a game.  
The hamster wheel won't stop to break
So tell me now, are you awake?

Through every post, we seek the "likes",
A digital love that barely strikes.  
Our real selves hide behind the fake
In this facade, are you awake?

With every ad that sells you more,  
Do you forget what life is for?  
A slave to brands, what do you stake
Before it's gone, are you awake?

And as you march through life’s charade,  
The choices made, the debts repaid,  
Before it’s too late to retake
Look in the mirror, are you awake?

-Prashant Sethia