Unlock the Power of Data with SQL: A Poetic Journey Through Essential Commands!

To fetch some data, loud and clear,  
We use SELECT—it will appear.  
With FROM we say, “Here’s the place,  
Where all the data has its space.”

Need a filter? That’s WHERE you go,  
To find just what you need to show.  
Want no repeats? Then DISTINCT is true,  
It'll show unique, just a few.

To group your rows in sets that tie,  
We gather them with GROUP BY.  
And if you filter on groups just right,  
Use HAVING—it brings insight.

For sorting data, neat and fine,  
Use ORDER BY, see them align.  
Want rows combined? Use JOIN to say,  
“Tables, come and meet halfway.”

For updates made to keep things new,  
It’s UPDATE, followed by SET too.  
If a row you wish to add,  
INSERT INTO will make it glad.

When data’s old, it’s time to say,  
DELETE that row and clear the way.  
With LIMIT, we can stop the show,  
And show just what we need to know.

So here’s the guide, now take the lead,  
In SQL, you've learned to read!

-Prashant Sethia

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