The ABCs of OOP: A Rhyming Guide to Object-Oriented Programming

In OOP, we start with Class,  
A blueprint where the rules all pass.  
It defines what objects will be,  
Their traits and actions we can see.  
Example: A class called “Car”,  
Defining color, speed, and how far.

Each Object is a real-world thing,  
A dog, a car, a bird that sings.  
From classes, objects take their shape,  
With new we call them to escape.  
Example: An object, “myCar”,  
From the class “Car”, it’s a shining star!

Encapsulation wraps things tight,  
With data safe, it’s out of sight.  
We hide the fields, expose the way,  
With methods, we let others play.  
Example: A bank account’s balance,  
Hidden from view, with secure silence.

Now Inheritance comes along,  
Where child learns from parent strong.  
It passes traits and actions down,  
And helps the code go ‘round and ‘round.  
Example: A class “Vehicle” wide,  
With “Car” and “Bike” as its proud side.

For different forms that we can see,  
We use Polymorphism’s key.  
Same action name, but different ways,  
It’s how we act on different days.  
Example: A “draw” method in art,  
For “Circle” and “Square", each plays a part.

With Abstraction, we hide the mess,  
Show only what’s needed, nothing less.  
Complexity is left behind,  
As simple views help ease the mind.  
Example: A TV remote control,  
Buttons to push, but hides the whole.

Encapsulation guards the core,  
It wraps the data, nothing more.  
While Abstraction shows what's right,  
Hiding the details out of sight.  
Example: A car’s ignition key,  
Start the engine, but how? We can't see!

So these are OOP’s key four:  
Encapsulation and much more—  
Inheritance and polymorph’s way,  
And Abstraction helps to save the day.

-Prashant Sethia

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