Water: A Precious Gift of Life

Water, clear and pure,
A precious resource, so secure,
A source of life, a gift so true,
Without it, what would we do?

In the mountains, water cascades,
Creating streams and waterfalls, such a lovely parade,
Flowing down to valleys below,
Quenching thirst, helping crops grow.

In the oceans, water roars,
Creating waves and tides that soar,
Teeming with life, such diversity,
A vast expanse, such a beauty.

In the cities, water flows,
Through pipes and faucets, it goes,
A necessity, such a need,
For hygiene, for drinking, for plants to feed.

In the storms, water pours,
Creating floods and thunderous roars,
Challenging our might, such a test,
Reminding us that nature is the best.

Water, in all its forms and guises,
Teaches us to adapt, to improvise,
To cherish what we have, and be wise,
For water is life, and that's no surprise.

-Prashant Sethia

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