The Mystical Sky

The sky above, so vast and wide,
Is a canvas painted by nature's pride,
A mystical masterpiece, ever-changing and bright,
A wonder to behold, a pure delight.

The sun rises and sets, a daily show,
A fiery ball, with a radiant glow,
The sky transforms, a canvas anew,
A palette of colors, an ever-changing hue.

The stars twinkle, a celestial dance,
A cosmic symphony, a mystical trance,
The moon glows, a silver orb on high,
A guiding light, in the darkened sky.

The clouds float by, a dreamy sight,
A fluffy canvas, so soft and light,
The wind blows, a gentle breeze,
A soothing touch, that puts our minds at ease.

The sky above, a mystical place,
A canvas of beauty, a heavenly space,
A reminder of the wonder that surrounds,
A mystical sky, that forever astounds

-Prashant Sethia 

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