The Power of a Smile

A smile is a powerful thing,

It can light up a room and make hearts sing,

It's a universal language we all understand,

Expressing happiness, joy and love at hand.

It can bring people closer,

Break down barriers and make us bolder,

It's a symbol of hope, a ray of sunshine,

A way to connect and make hearts intertwine.

A smile can heal a broken heart,

Mend the pieces, and give a fresh start,

It can turn a frown upside down,

And help erase any negative frown.

It can bring comfort to those in pain,

Ease their sorrows and make them feel sane,

It's a gentle reminder that life is good,

And happiness is waiting just around the hood.

A smile can make us feel alive,

Free us from our fears and help us thrive,

It's a reflection of our inner state,

And can bring us to a much better fate.

So, let us all smile and spread joy,

Be the change we want to see, and not just employ,

A small act of kindness can go a long way,

And make someone's day, come what may.

Smile is a powerful thing,

It can make our hearts sing,

Let us embrace its power and spread it wide,

And make the world a happier place to reside.

-Prashant Sethia


Tears fall down our cheeks,

When we're sad, they often speak.

They trickle and they flow,

A sign that we're feeling low.

Sometimes tears are happy too,

When we feel love, they come through.

They sparkle and they shine,

A sign that we're feeling fine.

Tears are like little drops of rain,

They wash away our hurt and pain.

They cleanse and purify,

A sign that we'll get by.

So let your tears fall if they must,

Don't hold them back, just trust.

They'll help you heal and grow,

A sign that you'll flourish and glow.

-Prashant Sethia

Missing You

I sit here, thinking of you,

And all the things we used to do.

I remember the way you laughed,

And all the good times that we had.

I miss the way you used to smile,

And how you made my life worthwhile.

I wish that you were here with me,

So I could hold you tenderly.

The days are long, the nights are cold,

Without you, my heart feels so old.

I long to see your face again,

And hold you close like we were then.

But until the day we meet once more,

I'll keep your memory close to my core.

And know that even though we're apart,

You'll always have a place in my heart.

-Prashant Sethia

Golden Hour

As the darkness fades into the light,
And the day breaks out of the night,
The sun begins to rise, so bright,
And fills the world with golden light.

The horizon glows with fiery hues,
As morning breaks and light ensues,
And birds take flight with joyful muse,
As dawn's chorus fills the morning news.

The world awakens from its sleep,
And shadows long begin to creep,
As sunbeams warm the land and steep,
And the earth begins to gently leap.

The beauty of the Golden Hour,
Brings peace, hope and inner power,
And fills the soul with love and dower,
As day begins its glorious flower.

The air is crisp, the sky is clear,
As the sun climbs higher without fear,
And the world basks in its warming cheer,
As the golden hour slowly disappears.

But though it fades, its magic remains,
A memory etched in hearts and brains,
A reminder that beauty always sustains,
And new GOLDEN HOUR will come again.

-Prashant Sethia

One of The True Lover - Mira Bai

In a small state in the North
Lived a mystic who was full of worth

Mira Bai was known for her song
Her voice and spirit could never be wrong

She sang to her lord and her bhakti did grow
Her songs were heard from the high hills to the low

Devotional and powerful, her songs bled pure love
Her faith and spirit were ever-above

Travelling from town to town, she was in rhythm 
Spreading her messages in her incredible poem

All became enchanted by her voice so sweet
Even kings and queens at her feet would meet

Her devotion to the almighty was so strong and true
To her lord, Mira Bai sang her song of love anew

The mystic of Rajasthan, she will remain in our hearts
Her divine love forever with us should now impart

-Prashant Sethia